Sol LeWitt - Grids
Herbert Foundation - Loods
October 01, 2023 – July 28, 2024
The exhibition Sol LeWitt – Grids explores the conceptual principle underlying the oeuvre of Sol LeWitt (1928 – 2007), which takes various guises throughout his career. By using a simple, often geometrical form as a starting point, Sol LeWitt researches the implementation of a single concept and its multiple, inherent possible variations. The works in the Collection of Annick and Anton Herbert, such as Untitled (Modular Cube) (1967) and Squares with Sides Torn Off (1974), but also documents and artists’ books, such as Variations of Incomplete Open Cubes (1974) and Autobiography (1980), illustrate how the cube or the square reveals the artwork’s underlying concept – often a serial or modular system.
The exhibition is part of a series of focus presentations where works and documents form the basis to elaborate further on the multifaceted oeuvres of the artists in the collection of Annick and Anton Herbert.
Exhibition view of Sol LeWitt – Grids at Herbert Foundation – Loods. Image: K. Daem