Friday 26 July 2024, 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Visit: Guided tour by Laura Hanssens

Photos by Jordi Coppers
The artist is often more interesting than the work they make. We’ve noticed this more than once: we were, and are, offered so much more meaning, thanks to our interactions with these people. The fact that we also have their work is an added value, but the contact is essential.

(Anton Herbert, interview with Marc Ruyters in ART, January 2006)

On Friday 26 July, Laura Hanssens, director of Herbert Foundation, will give two guided tours through Herbert Foundation – 106. She will discuss The Herbert Collection exhibition and the focus presentation 100 years Marcel Broodthaers.

Laura will reflect on Annick and Anton Herbert’s collecting practices and highlight the ‘ways of thinking’ they have assembled, via their collection and archive, over thirty years.

Friday 26 July at 11 a.m.
Admission fee: 15 euro – buy your ticket – 11 a.m.
Language: Dutch – Minimum age: 12 years old

Friday 26 July at 2:30 p.m.
Admission fee: 15 euro – buy your ticket – 2:30 p.m.
Language: Dutch – Minimum age: 12 years old