13.11.2016, 2 pm – 3:30 pm

Talk: Lecture by Steven Jacobs

Browsing Los Angeles: Edward Ruscha and the photography book

On Sunday 13 November 2016 at 2 pm, Herbert Foundation kindly invites you for a Talk by Steven Jacobs on Edward Ruscha.

With photography books such as Some Los Angeles Apartments (1965), Every Building on the Sunset Strip (1966), Thirtyfour Parking Lots (1967) and Real Estate Opportunities (1970), Edward Ruscha made an important contribution to the so-called “photoconceptualism”, while his imagery also contains references to pop and minimal art.

In this reading the photo-aesthetics of Ruscha are further examined, just as the way the artist paid attention to the specific topology of the post-urban landscapes of Los Angeles.

Steven Jacobs is an art historian specialised in the interactions between the visual arts and film. Furthermore, his research focuses on the visualisation of architecture, city and landscape in film and photography. He teaches at the University of Ghent and the University of Antwerp.

Practical details
The Talk will be held in Dutch. The entry fee of 14 euro per person (8 euro for students) has to be paid in cash at the reception.
Advance booking is required via reservation@herbertfoundation.org
After the Talk there will be sufficient time to visit the exhibition.